RtsEva - Performs the Transformed-Stationary Extreme Values Analysis
Adaptation of the 'Matlab' 'tsEVA' toolbox developed by Lorenzo Mentaschi available here: <https://github.com/menta78/tsEva>. It contains an implementation of the Transformed-Stationary (TS) methodology for non-stationary extreme value Analysis (EVA) as described in Mentaschi et al. (2016) <doi:10.5194/hess-20-3527-2016>. In synthesis this approach consists in: (i) transforming a non-stationary time series into a stationary one to which the stationary extreme value theory can be applied; and (ii) reverse-transforming the result into a non-stationary extreme value distribution. 'RtsEva' offers several options for trend estimation (mean, extremes, seasonal) and contains multiple plotting functions displaying different aspects of the non-stationarity of extremes.
Last updated 6 months ago
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